On Grid Solar Solutions


As return on investment rapidly improves, solar and battery storage globally is forecast to increase tenfold in less than five years, with the Australian climate providing maximum advantage of the excellent cost savings on offer.

The Climate Council says ‘behind-the-meter’ battery storage is expected to experience similar growth to that of solar PV and half of all households in Australia are predicted to install these alternative energy solutions as a means to take their power back and protect themselves from rising energy costs. As our electricity plants and infrastructure continue to age and electricity prices continue to rise, more and more home and business owners are moving with the times, not to mention the positive and forward thinking contribution it provides to future generations and our natural environment.

A grid-connected solar solution, with or without battery storage, ensures you slash your power bills with endless, sustainable, sunshine while also taking advantage of the feed in tariff return on investment opportunity and having grid supplied electricity as a back-up.

Our solar and battery installations for our residential and commercial clients are delivered by our highly trained team of fully licenced electricians and CEC accredited installers, backed by the additional environmental and carbon management certification.

Get in Touch to Discuss the Current Government Rebates and Incentives for Solar

ECOlectrical will work closely with you to ensure that your on grid solar system for your home or business is personally tailored to your unique needs and, therefore, specially designed to set you up with the highest cost-savings and long-term returns for your budget. This means we may ask more questions and seek more information in the beginning, however, this ensures you get what you need, so hang in there, as it will be worth it.

The Tesla Powerwall is a fully integrated AC battery system for residential or light commercial use. Its rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack provides energy storage for solar self-consumption, time-based control, and back up.

Telsa Powerwall’s electrical compact design achieves market-leading energy density and is easy to install, enabling owners to quickly realise the benefits of reliable, clean power.

• Able to store surplus energy
• Load shifting
• Back-up power
• Increasing self-consumption
Tesla Powerwall

Tesla Powerwall logo
Energy conservation comes in many forms and must begin with understanding how much energy you use throughout the day and throughout the seasons.

An ENERGY AUDIT conducted in line with the Australian Standards (AS/NZS 3598:2000) is the first step to identifying opportunities to reduce energy expenses and your carbon footprint.

Over 20 years combined experience and formal environmental and carbon management qualifications ensure our expertise to help your home or business save money and develop a more sustainable, long-term financial model around your electricity use.

See more information in our FAQs

For commercial offices, hotels, homeowners, strata & apartment buildings, warehouses, educational facilities, retail and hospitality energy audits.


Our Expertise

6 Things You MUST Know About Choosing Your New Solar System Before You Buy

Take the headache out of choosing the right solar system and installer for your home.