Off-Grid Solar Systems


Newcastle’s Most Experienced Off-Grid Solar Installers

Looking for energy independence and less price gouging in your monthly power bills? Have you been confronted with MASSIVE costs to get power installed to your dream country oasis? If you’re willing to make the up-front investment in a solar battery system from ECOlectrical, you can be free of the big power companies and well on your way to what is fast becoming the new standard in household electricity supply worldwide.

An off-grid solar system addresses your power demands all year round, allowing you to remain totally self-sufficient even in a modern, electrically-demanding household. ECOlectrical are the NSW experts in solar installation of all kinds and have been setting up battery systems for complete off-grid living for many years. An off-grid solar system should only be installed by an expert because you usually do not have grid power back-up should your system be inadequate.

The Reliable Off-Grid Solar Model Sweeping the Globe

Solar electrical systems have been heralded as the way of the future for power generation largely thanks to their renewable nature. But they are also perfect for those seeking self-sufficiency; there’s no way for every Australian to mine and burn coal or gas in their backyard, not to mention that coal is a finite energy source, but here in the lucky country we all get our fair share of sun. Our climate means that current day technology providing advanced efficiency and affordability means household off-grid solar is even more viable a model than it has proven to be in parts of Europe and America.

Get the Most Benefit with a Professional Off-Grid Solar Installation

ECOlectrical are expert installers of off-grid solar systems and will work closely with you to plan the best set up for your property, ensuring proper placement of the panels, batteries, inverter, back-up generators and all electrical equipment to ensure maximum efficiency.

Minor inefficiencies will start to eat into the savings you make by going off-grid, so it pays to have experienced help. We can also judge the scale and models of equipment you will require by judging the rate of your daily electricity use.

Make sure you organise a consultation before making a decision.

Get in Touch to Discuss the Current Government Rebates and Incentives for Solar

ECOlectrical will work closely with you to ensure that your on grid solar system for your home or business is personally tailored to your unique needs and, therefore, specially designed to set you up with the highest cost-savings and long-term returns for your budget. This means we may ask more questions and seek more information in the beginning, however, this ensures you get what you need, so hang in there, as it will be worth it.


Our Expertise

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